
Here I will put examples of each thing that the grapher can do.


Function of one variable (note that it's still plotted on 3D axes):
\[ f(x) = \sin(x);\ x\in [-4,4] \]

2D parametric function with one parameter:
\[ f(t) = \left(\frac{t}{5}+\cos(t), \sin(t)\right);\ t\in [-16,16] \]

3D function of two variables:
\[ f(x,y)=\cos(xy);\ x,y\in [-4,4] \]

3D parametric function with one parameter:
\[ f(t) = \left(3\sin(t), 3\cos(t),\frac{t}{4}\right);\ t\in [-16,16] \]

3D parametric function with two parameters:
\[ f(u,v) = \left(6+2\cos(\pi u)\sin(\pi v), 6+2\cos(\pi u)\cos(\pi v),2\sin(\pi u)\right); \ u,v\in[-1,1] \]

Solid of revoluion:
\[ f(x)=3\cos\left(\frac{x}{2}\right); \ x\in [-2\pi, 2\pi] \] Rotated about the \( x \) axis.

3D vector field:
\[ \vec{f}(x, y, z) = -\begin{bmatrix} x+y \\ y+z \\ x+z \end{bmatrix}; \ x,y,z\in [-4, 4] \]

Riemann surface (under construction):
\[ f(z)=\sqrt{z} \]

function of cylindrical coordinates:
\[ r(\theta, z)=z; \theta\in [-\pi,\pi], z \in [-4, 4] \]