In a Desmos Global Math Art Contest-induced fit of madness, I almost forgot to do the annual Desmos graph showcase. But it's not 2023 yet (hours away!) so nobody can say I didn't do it. From harmonographs and obscure coordinate projections to artistic animations, this has probably been my most active year with Desmos, which is really saying something, since it has been my primary hobby for quite some time now. As such, attempting to comb through and select only a few graphs that represent the y...
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Parametric Flowers
"Mathematical beauty" usually refers to the elegance of a proof, that is, how cleanly some mathematical result is proven with a convincing argument. That certainly sounds appealing to those who are already immersed in math, but it's not clear how such a result is "beautiful" in the general sense of the word. The goal of this post is to give an example of how math can be beautiful in a more accessible and universal way: the creation of art. We'll create flower designs with a large degree of arti...
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Building a 3D Boat in Desmos
The graphing calculator Desmos recently held a competition called the Global Math Art Contest. People aged 13-18 submitted artwork they created with the graphing calculator using combinations of math curves. The judging is based on creativity, originality, visual appeal, and the math used to create the art. As a person with little artistic talent, I had to rely on the use of math category to get my edge. So I decided to create a rotatable 3D boat that moves and tilts according to the waves in t...
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